Getting Parttime Jobs; Sticking It Out Here in NYC

Thanks God, I'm able to look and apply for jobs, mainly through Craigslist in its NY site. I have been out of full time work for over a week now. Yesterday, I got to talk with another friend who's based in LA, California. He's been out of full time work along the banking industry for over a month now. He's got reasons why he's decided to give up his work, and get to doing some other things he'd preferred to work on. I figured I can learn from what he's undergone so far. He himself had notable managerial experience in banking, and recruiters are in disbelief why he'd give up the perks of being in a managerial position, and get to start again at the bottom in some other jobs which he thought he could do better.

I've figured out that I'd like to have parttime jobs now. This has been the route that I've thought I can pursue even before I got full time jobs here in NYC. Thankfully, I got a response from an employer, and I'm working later today. The work may last until the wee hours of the day [The work turned out quite fine. I can look forward to receiving more invites in the future for partttime jobs from the network of the employer who hired me to help around in her birthday party].

Meanwhile, I've been posting and working on replies from clients for my massage services. It's been a huge and wonderful experience, doing a lot of praying along the way, and have remained thankful for the results. There's even one Filipina who I met in the bus on my way to a client, who then referred me to her contacts. I'm looking forward to servicing 2 of her contacts tomorrow night.

Last year, I met a guy who transplanted himself from the comforts of his relatively well paying and comfortable job as an executive in the Philippines, years ago. He's been doing on a parttime basis the works of a masseur. I noted how this can be an option for me then, but I've not thought much of it. I thought I'd just like to have stop gap jobs in the meantime, to help tide me over with the demands and requirements of pursuing a life here in the bigger cities in US. Soon, I got some stop gap jobs, indeed, and have learned valuable skills in the process. I've soon gained experience doing designing and related works along floral/events/landscape designing. Now, being out of full time work, I've been seeking parttime jobs. I know I'll receive offers now, sooner or later.


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