Getting My Share of Flak on Daily Banter's "Michelle Obama Gives Zero F*cks About What the Saudis Wanted Her To Wear"

On What Michelle Obama Wore When She Came Along With Barack Obama in Saudi Arabia

I remarked "awesome!"

With a sharing of a posting that received at least 10 likes and 2 shares from my Facebook network, I received an admonition from someone who believes otherwise that what Michelle Obama was not harmful.....

Someone wrote down in my Facebook timeline "Why it would be awesome! ! Does respecting other people culture become a sin or f*ck a hit to them !! Ur not belongs to this region of the world .. as we never criticised ur damin open style you are living which against the sole of real Christinty .. don't share such stupid articles which only add hates between people . THANKS"
The same person added: "By the way .. am not saudi and i dont wana be , its all about understand and respect"
I replied: "U r entitled to ur own opinion, _______ --- that's essential in a real democracy --- & i respect ur right to express ur opinion, as i expect u to respect my right to express mine, OK?"
The same person replied back: "This is not the democracy!! .. make others bad and spread the hate are not a way of freedom speech .. its devil speech . Ok sir ?"
I responded back by: "u r insisting, the mere fact that u keep on responding to this thread --- u can also write Michelle Obama herself & let her know about ur feelings .... life's like that, there are always people who will not agree with u....i get hurt myself by reading other people's opinions that are different from mine, but i've learned to manage with it---that's life whereever u r..."
The same person answered: "Sir , i am not against Mrs obama , am indeed in love with her spirits .. i am about people live far in world and judge other and they didn't see their faults they didn see how they damage the ethics how they damage whole cultures how they killed millions of native ammericans with no even feelings or understanding to means of humanity .. i accept to lesn but again ... i am saying my opinion... without insisting u or any one and i reserve my rights to offend my culture and values ."
To which answer, I answered lengthily: "in response, i'll digress a bit for now: sorry, i won't even look into ur profile here (am not in d habit of looking into other people's profile unless they're sexually attractive to me, or something they've said is intellectually funny & outrageously enlightening ) --- & in direct response to what u have just shared so far, i have no offense meant in all i've said here (pls keep that in mind --- we need more than enough space to express exactly what we have in mind & in d deep recesses of our hearts ). i think i know from where u r coming from, with those points u have shared me so far --- if u don't agree that i think what Michelle Obama has done was awesome, THAT"S PERFECTLY FINE WITH ME. Just pls learn to acknowledge that some people, like myself, think that what she has done is 'awesome' - & I'm saying that as authentic as i could. i don't understand why i can't express that openly here in my FB profile & i won't stop from saying that just because some others like u won't agree with me. & u happened to have read it, w/c was unfortunate for me as we are having this exchange now (omg, i dread having to explain my position on having absolute freedom of speech, being the writer that I am, w/c right, among so many other human rights, some people believe have to be curtailed for their own whimsical reasons, & not even noting how some others have their own lives to live as well). if u got offended, so be it. i get offended as well when i read & see women in Saudi Arabia don't get to drive their own cars (among so many other curtailments)...i have a long list of highly offensive encounters, directly & vicariously, with people's actions & utterances (examples: the beheadings of journalists in ISIS / ISIL governed regions in the Middle East, people who think women's exposed boobs are horrible to display, books that are deemed to be too dangerous & have to be banned, etc etc etc )...."
And the same person answered right away as soon as my earlier reply was read: "Hello Jerome , i like your point about looking for other's profiles , , calm down doesn require all of that argue .. about ISIS they are bad shits , real stupids , terrorists , what ever u need to say about them i am with you totally .. but those are not belongs to us .. they are 10 , 100 , 1000 people ?? !! but we are 250,000,000 whom stamped with that terrorists look coz of those ! and they never led by religious or culture .. they led by hidden agenda ! for women driving , its the stupidity of the people there whom we are against them since ever .. despite though .. its one country among 24 countries where the women freely do what ever she need .. those women are our beloved moms , sisters ..ect , note that the most of the presidential regime here is DICTATORIAL where it doesn't at all means to the culture and values of people . i know how the new bad talk but books never lie .. just pass by to read the real sources of our values .
anyway .. i am sorry if i appear as offensive here , deep apology for commenting here in your post though am not your friend . and at any means , if my comments bother you . .delete them . unlike what you have seen in me ( as Un-Attractive , funny...etc ) .. i see you good person , smart .. and defiantly attractive . have great time and goo d night ."
I was feeling happy by responding in this way: "hi, ________, we can be friends, u know?! OK, so have a good night & have a safe, sound sleep tyvm!"
And that one got another reply from the same person: "reading your comments sir blood my mind ! .. need to pass by to the refrigerator so I can eat something to let blood move somewhere else heheheh , my pleasure to have u as friend . god bless . "
Another friend shared and responded in the same threadline:  I dont think Golda Meir wore a burka or headdress to meet with Arab Leaders and when the Saudi royaty visit Washington DC the women do not remove their headdress to conform to our customs
And yet another friend shared these in the same threadline:  "Hiliary Clinton did not wear one when she met with Saudis. Neither did Laura Bush, former First Lady."
As Shakespeare's play says: All's well that ends well.


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