Moving On: On Prospecting for Probable Business Partners in Network Marketing among Labor Trafficking Victims Here in the East Coast

Something about what my partner JB shared me stuck in my mind and have got me blogging on it here. I'm still processing it (and would probably make me re-write this one or write another posting for the benefit of this blogwriter's readers anywhere in the world and who are endlessly looking out for better paying full time jobs, especially for jobs abroad). It's about his prospects among others who have been hitting the re-start button in their respective lives after having involved, one way or another in labor trafficking (with themselves being the unwitting victims). These are people who have been given the proper visas by the US government and now allowed to stay and work legally here in the USA. 

My partner in my Market America franchise business has been targeting this warm market for his business partners whom he was thinking would be open minded to take a look at this business. But it is not happening as easy as he would have wanted it to be. They are simply refusing to allow my partner JB to even do a presentation about this entrepreneurial opportunity that we've seen with Market America / network marketing platform that's available to any one who has the guts and strength to do the necessary hard work for one's long term goals to be accomplished. They even behave toward JB as if they disdain every thing about becoming entrepreneurs as the better option, instead of remaining to be full time employees for the next 45 years or so (those are the typical years when you would be expected to be productive in the workplace).

Many reasons come into mind. Most of them must have been still undergoing the effects of trauma from having been involved in labor trafficking, which prevails up to these days, even here in the USA. But what was striking to me was the fact that most of those who have involved in trafficking, including their social workers and other professional specialists, still basically have the mind-set of being employed full time in order to accomplish their long term goals. I don't know exactly how these individuals would still think of being employed full time when they have seen how the system (which most of us connect with the rat race) basically abuses people's good will and naivete so they would eventually be turned into unwilling pawns in the labor market and be generally taken advantaged of by leading role players in this prevailing system.

Of course, this is not easy to explain nor easy to see right away, especially if you grew up in a system or culture where every one's encouraged to be employed in order to get the logistics for every day living. I just wonder why they would refuse to even take a look. I guess it's the instilled fear they have everything about a system that basically takes advantage of every body else (anyway). 


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