
Showing posts with the label self employment

Coming Back, Doing Blogging Again

Today, I have thought and started filling up these blogging pages again mainly to share my thoughts and those about ongoing developments in my current life. I am grateful for the opportunity to do so again, and I hope I get to rekindle and get to sustain whatever interest you may have on my writings. I continue to build, grow, expand my online businesses mainly from here in New York City. I also do my paid gigs as a self employed person who is originally from the Philippines, where I left when before I turned 40 years old.  I am turning 54 years old this year, soon. Same age as my husband who was born and raised here in Harlem, NYC. The big change has been that of my marriage, the status that gives me delight most time.  Moving on, I have been acting on so many plans so I can update here and accomplish my goals as I go about planning, doing, reviewing, accomplishing bits and pieces of  my goals each day given the failures I make and the lessons I accumulate. Moving on, being defined di

Moving On: On Prospecting for Probable Business Partners in Network Marketing among Labor Trafficking Victims Here in the East Coast

Something about what my partner JB shared me stuck in my mind and have got me blogging on it here. I'm still processing it (and would probably make me re-write this one or write another posting for the benefit of this blogwriter's readers anywhere in the world and who are endlessly looking out for better paying full time jobs, especially for jobs abroad). It's about his prospects among others who have been hitting the re-start button in their respective lives after having involved, one way or another in labor trafficking (with themselves being the unwitting victims). These are people who have been given the proper visas by the US government and now allowed to stay and work legally here in the USA.  My partner in my Market America franchise business has been targeting this warm market for his business partners whom he was thinking would be open minded to take a look at this business. But it is not happening as easy as he would have wanted it to be. They are simply refusi

How to go from full-time to self-employment

This write-up will attempt to keep away from being completely prescriptive; those curious readers can always read the other helpful articles found under this topic that may contain other workable ideas on how to switch to self-employment (that seemingly dreadful state in life that most ordinary people are yearning, but are afraid to embrace completely). Switching from full time to self-employment actually takes a lot of doing (and courage), more than talking, so we’ll make this sharing brief and straight to the point (they’re mostly based from the actual learning experiences from which this author has drawn out his suggestions here). Continue reading here. On Why You Should be Self Employed