An Americano speaking Tagalog
I just want to give credit to the wife for patiently teaching her American husband to learn to speak Tagalog. And she is a Visayan at that! Very good work, indeed! It also shows volumes about the kind of loving this couple must have for each other. I'm always surprised when I hear some Filipinos I meet here who'd apologize to me when they can't speak really good Tagalog to me. I don't take it really as a slight (even if they don't know I do Tagalog tutorials here in NYC). Now, it's always easier for people to relate better with their loved ones if they speak a common language. There are practical considerations for this. It makes everyday life lighter and easier to pursue; so much is lost in translation which can be frustrating for someone who likes to express something in a language that he/she knows best. But I'm just sure the wife is just like most Filipinos who are tri-linguals, i.e. they speak at least 3 languages including Tagalog (on which &