For College Students: Move on from Your Original Career Plans & Consider Starting Becoming Entrepreneurs Now

P.S. To Jill Abramson: Grads, You Must Learn The Word ‘Fungible’

I'm surprised that this article fell short of directly advising college students these days to seriously consider ways to become entrepreneurs. I was just chatting briefly with a security guard of a Barnes & Noble store in downtown Brooklyn. He was asking me about the experience of being a 'home health aide' (HHAs) when he saw me wheeling my client in with his family in the store. I had to tell him,  HHAs are are called caregivers. I had the impression from him that he thinks it's a relatively easy job. I had to correct his mis-impressions right there and then. No job is ever easy or else it won't be called a job, isn't it?

But I also took the chance to tell him to check out this opportunity to become a business owner after I had the impression that he's on the look-out for better career opportunities. I'm doing it now with my Market America / franchise. And look more closely and read again and again what I'm writing here; contradict my position if you want but it's really going to be up to your choice in the end. I'm mulling this over and over again based on at least 15 years worth of Human Resources (HR) back in the Philippines, which I gathered from its main business center in Makati before I moved here in the USA.

I've seen and met so many people while I was still doing my HR job back in the Philippines, a big number of whom are people who went abroad for sometime and gained employment for one reason or another. Some of them are people who've lived in the USA and have decided to move back for good in the Philippines and get themselves employed. I didn't know any better then, but I'm seeing now that such approach is not really strategic in the long run.

If you want to become more strategic in your life, i.e., you're doing what you're meant to be created for the Lord Almighty (no matter how you conceive this supreme entity to be), consider becoming entrepreneurs. Of course, not every body can do this, as such a path is never easy. If it's easy, you'd see many more entrepreneurs out there right now. But for your sake and your loved ones sake, start becoming financially successful entrepreneurs even bit by bit. Learn to become entrepreneurs in industries that deal with your interests and passion. 

Look, society's structures when it comes to getting compensated well are very harsh to ordinary employees. And such structures won't change at all even in the long run, because to change these structures would call for the overhauling of the whole system, and those who have very comfortable lives in the current system won't allow such situations to happen, even if it entails helping their loved ones. It's not going to be easy for these people to do so, even if they want to. People won't get pleasure from helping others, unless they get to help themselves first. How can you give out something that you don't have (as others have said)? And additionally, as people get older, the more they become tired of doing something against the usual.

It's going to be incumbent on your part now, if you happen to have read this via the miracle we call internet, and whatever stage of life you're in now (and most especially if you're still studying to finish your college course), to consider becoming entrepreneurs. You'd see a lot of pathways on how to go about it. You can even contact me and I'll help out if there's a way I could help out.

Oh, well, I'm not even promising you that your life is going to be easier and more comfortable if you become an entrepreneur. But if you become one, you won't have to contend with facts that will be repeated in your life as you go about persisting being employed, such as those described in the article shared above. And you'll be able to claim your right to be free, as you become more responsible for the outcomes of your actions.


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