On Learning and Sharing Information on Supplements that Will Help Heal Your Cancer

There is one way to know that you are doing exactly what God wants you to do: you will be at peace. Not every day, not all the time, but even in the midst of hard times and confusion you will feel good about what you are doing. Even when it seems like you are getting nowhere, you will know there is absolutely nothing else on earth you can do other than what you are doing. (Iyanla Vanzant)
I was meaning to write this last night but a long phone talk with a good business partner got in the midst while I was about to share here the details, even briefly. I was being bothered by the thought that I couldn't do as much as I could after hearing someone whom I don't know personally is expected to die so soon from the ravages of cancer. She is a mom, the sister-in-law of a friend from high school years. My friend's flying today with his daughter to be with his wife who has been away for at least a month in Los Angeles to attend to the woman who's dying. I wanted to share more details on supplements that she could very well take and hopefully get to see more (and longer years) days of better and healthful living. 

I was disturbed that my friend thought that he couldn't do much as to influence some other family members to make the dying woman to take supplements. The situation brought memories of the last days of my late Father who died of complications for having lung cancer. I understand he won't go out of his way to suggest to the dying woman that she start taking supplements that I have available through my online storefront with shop.com (www.shop.com/jeromebaladad).

I thought about that business partner I have with Market America who talked about how he gave OPC3, ultimate aloe to his Mom who had uterine cancer at stage 4 years ago. The supplements would continue to be provided for a few months, and the Mom has, since the experience, continued being alive and well for at least 11 years now. Am I just being delusional or something else here? I think the forces of the universe have been providing me the means to share this story here. I know someone else will pick up what's good and real from here. It's important to add that a lot of other partners have heard the story of that product specialist  who also does this franchise business and who talked about his experience in dealing with the cancer of his Mom. 

I'll move on and be reassured that I've done what I could do with this situation that I have heard about from a friend who, I realize, has grown pessimistic with life in general. 


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