Moving On: Re-learning Skills on Presenting Before a Big Crowd

Weeks ago, I was tasked to present part of the home business presentation (an overview on what the business is all about in an hour or two with guests and partners around) before a crowd in a room somewhere in White Plains one evening. I have done many similar presentations before when I was still leading a corporate life as well as during MBA school. I'm saying this experience is really nothing new to me. I'm grateful, though, that my partners have thought well of me to consider asking me to present part of the program we have to help create stronger awareness among our prospects, partners and customers about our very awesome network marketing business (contact me, if you want to know more about this).

And during the presentation, I soon found myself delivering my message in a trembling state. Minutes before the presentation, I took 4 capsules of Bliss, following the suggestions of my partners. I had around with my partners. But still, I was overcome by fear. I failed even to recall the average number of units that our bestselling antioxidant product, OPC3, is selling to the market (it's at least 6 million!) such that I had to confirm aloud with my partner Eugene as I was standing before my partners and guests. At the back of my mind during the presentation, I knew they were supporting me and wanted me to do well.

Oh, well, I decided I'd charge the whole situation to experience, and quit from being harsh with myself for doing bad during that presentation. Next opportunity I get, I needed to practice more before each actual presentation, especially if I'm talking before a big group, say least 15 people or more.  This will minimize the errors I could possibly commit before my audience. Yes, I'm terrified about these presentations. But I am seeing that if I have to be growing and becoming better in this Market America / franchise business, I'll have to really improve my platform skills. I'll be doing that each time I have the opportunity. That last time that I had about presenting before a big audience came after one of my partners suggested that I'd to do it; I just said 'yes' without thinking much about the work I'd be doing. By nature, I'm adventurous enough, anyway, even I'm very much aware of my fears. And I'm aware I'd always tremble in fear before any big audience, as I'd always been every time I had been before a big crowd. I continue to learn from mistakes I recall I make before an audience.

Many who have presented before an audience know about what I'm sharing about here. Please don't share more tips on how to do better next time ---- I'm loaded with them already, courtesy of my well-meaning friends and partners. I have to take time to process them and learn them more internally, which is why I'm doing this blogging, too. I have to take more positive action by practicing and doing more presentations. Thankfully, such opportunities will come as I know I'll be growing more and doing better each day in this online distribution business.


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