I Wonder Why Some Persons I Know Just Don't Wanna Explore Opportunities I've Been Sharing With Them

Oh, well, the title is long; it carries the entire message of this posting. I was inspired to share here about some persons I've met, known and invited to explore opportunities I see with my franchise business with Market America (shop.com/jeromebaladad). Probably, they don't see yet in me the benefits of having explored those opportunities that I've been telling them these past few months. Or they're just not interested for now. I've learned not to take things, including rejections, personally. 

But still, I wonder why some of them have refused to explore. One of them includes a roommate. He's an American, born and raised in Brooklyn. Good looking, still healthy, relatively young, not really busy as it seems to me, does part time jobs to meet and pay his bills, he could be a very good prospect who could build his business for starters as he's not even employed full time. But I got the chance to clarify a lot of confounding observations on him when he kindly joined me in business overview event in Flushing, Queens. He told me he was impressed by the main guest (a former Marine who grew up in the Midwest) for the night in that ballroom full of business builders and their guests. But my own guest would later on tell me that he's basically not inspired about the idea of making lots of money (I honestly get that and it does not bother me), so the opportunity to make lots of money won't get him motivated to start a business and join me in this entrepreneurial endeavor. I guess he's not really sure of what he wants with his life, which I hope I'm wrong about.

Probably, it's just not the right time yet for now with this fellow. In the meantime, I'll be on the lookout for other prospects with whom I can share this awesome business opportunity.


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