Moving Forward with Seth Godin's 'We Are All Weird'

Unless you've been aware of businesses known for their leadership and creativity, you may not find this book much of help. Read it because you're ready to admit you're weird yourself. And you're not afraid of it being known, and would even want to highlight your weird traits, and get to attract others who share similarities with you. With this book, you may probably get ideas on how to gain some help in marketing what's unusual with you, your products or services. You build your business with those who have weird traits, too, and there's no need to seek out for customers who are on the lookout for the ordinary, the regular, and the usual. Leave these people to their own commonalities. Perhaps, before you know it, you'll find yourself in a profitable business situation for all regular business folks to learn from :-D

We Are All Weird (E-Galley Review Copy)We Are All Weird by Seth Godin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm weird myself, & that's why I enjoyed reading this book! And people who consider themselves weird need to find time to read this book that has been specially written for them. Nothing much is new about weirdness is found in its pages, except that it celebrates 'weirdness' in all its totality and far from what marketing specialists of old days had been crafting with their strategies and in implementing their tactics to sell/promote good and services to a worldwide market that continues to shift every moment.

You'll be helped a lot, as usual, if you've got a business background when you read this book because certain ideas found in it are strange and won't be of help if you're just reading it for the sake of reading it and because it's book by the venerable Seth Godin. Whew! That's a complex one, I must admit. Why bother to read a book when it's something you'd rather ran away from? But nowadays, if you want to continuously move on with your life, you gotta be weird. And this book will give you ideas on doing that, and in trying to make a business from your own weirdness. But you got to learn the basics as well in the process (which you'll be doing in your own style).

Godin proposes that the onus of marketing focus these days has changed from what was considered 'mass marketing' to a set more focused on the weird characteristics of people we meet in the streets and those we know personally (including our very selves) --- those people we usually offer our products and services. If you want to grow and build long term businesses, you may have to retrofit your usual marketing approaches to highlight elements of the weird but wonderful in your products and yourself. These approaches have been followed and pursued relentlessly by those who are in the market these days. You may still choose to do mass marketing strategies but you'll have to fold up quick because you'll be competing head on with so many like you (who use the similar approaches). Hence, it makes sense to discover, specialize on, pursue with, and celebrate the weird among us, so as to make it longer, more profitable being in the market. And start your efforts by reading this book first.

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