Full Time Freelance Work, Anyone?

I'm sharing here a rather old vid from another source (see latest in FoxBusiness) on freelance work. I'm grateful being able to hack it out doing freelance work, which to most people I meet can be confounding to even listen to, whenever I try to explain myself to them as to how I'm doing work and earning living at the same time. Thank God, I happened to be doing freelance work nowadays, which I have started ever since I came here in the US three years ago (although I did some full time work for some small businesses one time, and gained some exposure locally, but I soon learned I had enough of that, and that's another story by itself). Obviously, hands down, there are no benefits that are similar to what employed people have. There are so many trade offs to think about, but I like to look at my situation as being that of "a glass of water half-full." It could have been worst, you know. I'm just happy am earning, and living life in my own terms.

Be a freelancer yourself, and discover for yourself if you can do it, rather than just trying to imagine things based on what you have heard. You can do it, part time (which I did, even way back when I was still in the Philippines---I'd be doing small businesses while doing full time work). It takes a lot of practice, plus taking a lot of your own sweet time, and gaining higher self esteem which you can only get through your own efforts (with all the inputs shared you by others as actually more "noise" than they'd like to believe--they don't really understand you anyway, no matter how sincere they can be to you).

Meanwhile, I get to do my work, even in my pyjamas, plus my dishevelled hair, and my voice sounding like I just got out of my bed at that late time of the day.(!!!) And I can treat part of the day as "vacation" -- not wondering when I can have another vacation day, or even looking forward to the weekend. And of course, I got the choice not to deal with asshole superiors or even co-workers who don't really matter anyway, in the first place, in your life ha ha ha! With the way the economy's directions are heading, and apparently keeping now, this is sweet revenge, more than anything else. Praise be to God! I do my thing, let go of a lot of things that don't matter, and let God do those things I can't do (in the first place).

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