Moving On from the Havoc Created by the Christopher Columbus Trip to America
a view from the stairs another view on my way up Columbus with his back to me what I saw from one of the windows in the living-room like space that turns the Columbus statue into a humongous, almost out of place decor I didn't know who the lady was but, just like me, she looked excited and was having fun. a view of the Empire State Building The huge feet! His imposing presence detail of the wallpaper used all over the room, which could have been someone else's living room somewhere in the city It's by virtue of the work done by the brave conquerors that we have these collective views on Christopher Columbus'es pioneering trip to the US. And we continue to find out that there were other explorers ahead of him (and his co-travelers) who should rightly be recognized. For now, we know these conquerors came with lots of destructive activities in their hands plus sicknesses in their bodies that so...