"The peacock proudly stands behind me, which design we rehashed and installed for a day's hardwork, to become the centerpiece at my friend's party."
One of the freelance part time jobs I do from time to time is helping in the design, preparation, installation and dismantling of floral designs. These days, I'd do this mostly for religious events for church activities thru my network of friends in the place where I'm located. I've never done floral designs ever before back in the Philippines. It's one of those opportunities that presented itself to me to be able to get into hardline creative works. Boy, I tell you, it's one tough job, to the say least. It starts with doing cleaning tasks. This is to make sure the flowers, the branches and fillers are all cleaned up. They have to made sure all the necessary parts of the flowers are kept in place, and those unwanted parts are removed and thrown away. It's time consuming, actually. You will have to bring in buckets of water, you will also have to throw them away when not needed. It does not make it even easier to use artificial flowers, branches and leaves,