
Showing posts with the label moving on songs

I look to you ("I lift to you")

For some reason, I've always have called this song "I lift to you", instead of its correct title (I Look To You). It's a poignant reminder of that most powerful entity who reigns supreme amidst all these most bothersome concerns we have in our hearts and minds. Some of us are very familiar about the narrative shared in the song. After all the challenges we've faced, the failures we've earned despite our best efforts, and the difficulties that continue hounding us as we continue being alive, we can only choose to turn to the real source of power, truth, beauty, justice, healing, love, forgiveness, energy, order, learning and awesomeness. Whatever you call this entity (known here as God), you can be assured that you can always turn to this most dependable and trustworthy source. And from personal experience, I've always been shown the right path to this source, every time I get the chance to listen to this song.

Moving On Songs (English, Mixed, Others)


Songs About MOVING ON (Mostly in English)

Note: These songs have come from many sources, including those I saw from friends' online pages. Feel free to share me links on songs you believe qualify as 'moving on songs,' and I'll have them linked here, too. Thank you. Also, note that some songs embedded here, by the time you've read this, would be gone one minute sooner for some unclear reason----most probably those who have posted them (from whom I have gathered the code for sharing here) have issues related to copyrights. And as such, I'm amused by the stance and related developments. In today's heavily linked world, you'll find more advantage if you just keep on sharing what you have. It's a most effective approach, too, when you have to move on and have to let go of someone, something from having a place in your heart and mind.